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"For me, lessons have been a great way to get away from back pain and 'bad posture' towards confidence and comfort."

"AT lessons with Kathy have helped me to become aware of and change habits regarding my posture and everyday movements that I have done wrong for as long as I can think. Some 25 years of physiotherapy for my back has not managed to do what 6 months of AT lessons with Kathy have: more stability and a better posture in my back, more strength, significantly less pain during my second pregnancy and most of all an unexpected ease and fun at learning and achieving all of this. Kathy's AT lessons - her brilliant way of explaining the musculature by using  exercises, touch and metaphors - have brought about significant change all the while being extremely gentle. Kathy has taught me how to rethink about my body and how to let this thought process build me up and let me stand strong and tall. For me, her lessons have been a great way to get away from back pain and 'bad posture' towards confidence and comfort." Eva





"Whatever it is I’m glad it is working and that I met Kathy at the breakfast meeting. I feel I shall continue to derive benefit from what I have learned for the rest of my life."

I met Kathy at a breakfast club meeting and heard her speak about Alexander technique, I was intrigued although I wasn’t really sure what it was or how it worked - but I’ve lived with back and shoulder pain for 3 decades in varying degrees of acuteness, it was something I had resigned myself to living with – at times not too bad, at others constant nagging or stabbing pain – so I thought nothing ventured nothing gained.


I’ve been to Physiotherapy, osteopaths, chiropractors – had massage, reiki and acupuncture and done pilates - most of which had some beneficial effect in the short term but mostly felt like it didn’t address the problem – just the symptoms.


I started having alexander technique lessons with Kathy late last year, once a week, and Kathy has been very patient and encouraging, it’s a subtle, gentle and not at all invasive discipline.


After about 5 or 6 lessons I was beginning to wonder where this was going and my natural cynicism was beginning to kick in – but by lesson 8 or 9, and after a covid enforced break - I couldn’t deny I had less back pain and was calmer in myself.  I now have to recognise I am substantially better. I have more confidence in moving, sitting, lifting and exercising. I don’t have to worry that a certain movement or twist will result in 3 weeks of asking someone else to put my socks on for me.


How does it work, well that’s still a bit of a mystery really – it’s hard to explain but I think of it as a re-education of how muscles need to behave and how to recognise when they are not behaving – I know that’s not a great definition but it’s the best I have come up with so far. Whatever it is I’m glad it is working and that I met Kathy at the breakfast meeting. I feel I shall continue to derive benefit from what I have learned for the rest of my life.


Thanks Kathy




​"Learning AT from Kathy has been quite transformative and also thoroughly enjoyable. I now have the tools to manage my back more effectively from day to day, and to maintain healthier ways of working. Thank you Kathy!"

A friend recommended that I contact Kathy to see if she could help me find a solution for increasing back pain brought on by too many hours in front of a computer. She could! I felt better after every session with Kathy, even on days when I arrived with a very sore back, and practising Semi Supine / Active Rest at home has made a palpable difference. Learning AT from Kathy has been quite transformative and also thoroughly enjoyable. I now have the tools to manage my back more effectively from day to day, and to maintain healthier ways of working. Thank you Kathy!



"Before I started lessons with Kathy I was going round in circles with reoccurring neck, shoulder and hip pain.... Now I feel less stressed and much lighter. My body moves with lots more freedom.

Before I started lessons with Kathy, I had a lot of pain and stiffness in my neck, shoulders and hips. I had been to osteopaths and physios who had helped but the pain and stiffness always returned after a time. After my first lesson with Kathy I immediately noticed release of all the tension in my muscles which was causing the pain. Kathy explained to me how we all pick up unhelpful postural habits over the years which cause tension and pain and can lead to injury. By relearning how to use my body under Kathy's instruction I am more or less pain free now. Kathy communicates all the new information really clearly, understanding the individual issues with my knee injury which has led to changes in my posture. Before I started lessons with Kathy I was going round in circles with reoccurring neck, shoulder and hip pain.... Now I feel less stressed and much lighter. My body moves with lots more freedom.




In a nutshell, after 30 years I am no longer a back sufferer and am getting on with life including running again.

Declaration: Kathy is a close friend. Nevertheless, this should not detract from my review as I can only speak as I find. I have a medical background, so AT has been very hard to understand, however with time it makes more sense. I've been a back suffer for years, sometimes long periods of low back pain sometimes neck pain and on occasion both. Quite frankly I have tried everything. Physiotherapy Chiropractic Osteopathy and acupuncture. Yes, they all help but the problems returned. I still needed their help initially, but the frequency of visits reduced as AT becomes part of my life. I practice Kathy’s teachings daily. Yes, I'm human and miss a semi supine occasionally, or slouch here and there. A table turn with her normally fixes it and then I behave for months again. Kathy is very supportive and non- judgemental, and we work out what is best for my posture despite what I put my body through. In a nutshell, after 30 years I am no longer a back sufferer and am getting on with life including running again. Good luck for your journey.


“Before he started lessons, my teenage son was really suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

After a lesson, he generally feels more relaxed, has more ease of movement and a feels a better sense of wellbeing.

He see’s Kathy regularly and I see that the long term results are that he is a more relaxed child who carries much less tension in his body. Kathy has also given him the tools to continue to use AT in between our sessions.

Kathy is very calm, positive and encouraging, all really important qualities for gaining the trust of a teenager, especially when they are feeling vulnerable through illness.

I wasn’t sure how AT was going to help with Chronic Fatigue, but I’m so glad that we started lessons as they have really improved the way my son feels in himself and they have given him the knowledge that he has control of how his body can move - a huge life lesson.”

Sophie about her son 

"I'm so glad I took Alexander Technique lessons as I now hope to stay flexible and pain free into old age."

"Before I started having lessons I had problems with backache, particularly when lying down and first thing in the morning. After a lesson, I generally feel relaxed and pain free having been shown how to avoid bad posture and muscular tension as well as the benefits of semi supine. 

The specific long term results I have got is no pain when lying down or in the morning, a routine I can follow if I am in pain, and a heightened awareness of how I use my body as I go about everyday activities. This makes me feel more in control of my body and I know I can alleviate pain should I incur it. Kathy's unique qualities are a positive attitude, a kind and gentle manner with a thorough knowledge of the Technique. She is very patient and helpful and encouraging with a good sense of humour.

I'm so glad I tried the Alexander Technique as I now hope to keep flexible and pain free into old age."





"As she says herself, it is a skill for life, which I have already recommended to a few of my friends."

"I came to Alexander lessons with Kathy as I'd heard of the benefits of the technique but I wasn't sure if it applied to my back condition that had necessitated an operation and left me with difficulty to stand for any length of time.

After every lesson with Kathy I feel lighter and more mobile, with the tools she has provided me with for easing posture and minimising efforts in simple actions like sitting and standing, walking and everyday actions. She is very experienced and knowledgeable, gentle and creates a great rapport while she skilfully manipulates the body to help every limb to let go of tension. As she says herself, it is a skill for life, which I have already recommended to a few of my friends."


"I find that it has become an important and valuable part of my life. I would recommend anyone to have a go - it's worth it."

"Having had an uncomfortable, painful lower back and hip problems for some time, I was desperate to try anything and I didn't fancy the steroids which were suggested; so when the flyer came through for an Alexander Technique workshop I decided to give it a whirl but with low expectations. I went along with, I suppose, a desire to prove it wrong and fought against all we did. However, it transpired that there was something about it that made me want to try more!!

Don't expect a quick fix as it is an ongoing experience. It is to do with posture, skeletal and muscular realignment, which is amazing for when I have been to a session my pain is lessened and movement is improved. For me the importance of it is it's holistic approach, finding it relaxing and calming, treating not just the skeletal condition but one's mental approach. I do think it's important that an Alexander Technique practitioner has empathy, an understanding of problems faced and an understanding of reactions to those problems, listening carefully and with interest - Kathy has those qualities. It is a truly therapeutic approach but not intrusive and one comes to solutions in one's own time. I have to say for a person so set against this, I find that it has become an important and valuable part of my life. I would recommend anyone to have a go - it's worth it."





1 Rookes, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 2EP



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